
VIRTUAL & IN-PERSON | 97 Atlanta Street Mcdonough Ga, 30253 | 8817 Redwood Road, West Jordan, Utah 84008

Are you struggling with your relationships, family problems, issues with your child or teen? Do you battle depression or anxiety? We can help!

Counseling for Children

Does your child seem sad or anxious? Has there been a recent change in your family, such as a move, new sibling, divorce or loss of a family member?


Are You Concerned For Your Child’s Development And Mental Well-Being?


Does your child have a hard time expressing or regulating emotions? Does your child seem angry, sad, or withdrawn? Do they have difficulty staying focused?

Witnessing your child struggle is a frustrating experience.  Most parents don’t have the tools and insight needed to be intervene and help their child.  Most children don’t even have the vocabulary to articulate their feelings. As a parent, you can’t understand their  mood swings, loss of appetite or the emotional disconnection between you.  Your child is probably starting to doubt their abilities and self-worth because they don’t know what’s going on either

Play Therapy

Play therapy is a helpful tool for


Oppositional Defiant Behavior


Separation Anxiety


Grief and Loss

Sibling Conflict

The therapists at Rekindled Hope believes in the power of play therapy to help children navigate challenges, express emotions, and achieve their goals. Through play and activity, children naturally communicate and connect with therapists, empowering them to develop self-regulation skills, enhance emotional intelligence, and boost self-esteem. Our mission is to support children on this transformative journey of self-discovery and growth.



Child therapy at Rekindled Hope is deeply committed to promoting and nurturing the emotional well-being, resilience, and healthy coping skills of children. Our dedicated child therapists wholeheartedly address a wide range of emotional, behavioral, and social concerns, empowering children to not just survive, but to truly thrive and unlock their boundless potential. With a compassionate approach, our therapists aim to provide unwavering support, helping children develop essential coping skills, build lasting resilience, and foster a strong foundation of emotional well-being. At Rekindled Hope, we believe that every child deserves the opportunity to flourish and reach for the stars, and we are here to guide them every step of the way.

Contact us to schedule an appointment

We would love to help you and your teen have a better understanding of each other.  Call 678-568-3253 to schedule a free consultation today or book now by clicking the button below!

Tell Us Your Story
