Love Languages. These two words are tossed around when talking about marriage and relationships. Yet, we often do not give our partner’s love language the attention required. Why are love languages so important? Because our love language is the way we are wired to receive love.
It is rare that partners share the same love language. Knowing and speaking your partner’s love language opens up the doors of communication and can literally take your love to a whole new level. Think about what is important to you. Does it make you happier to have your hand held in public, or to receive a gift? Are you most content when you share time together doing a hobby or when having sex? More than likely, you spend your time with your partner doing the things that make you happy. Consider that their answers to those questions are the exact opposite of yours. Imagine if your spouse knew the answers to those and other questions about your inner being? What if they knew the things that made you the happiest? Imagine if you were privy to the same things about them. There would be less mind reading, less trying with no success, and less frustration. Learning each others love language takes time and effort on both parts. But, this is one of the easiest and most practical ways to increase happiness in marriage.
Gary Chapman is the author of The 5 Love Languages. I challenge you to go over to his site and take the free quiz. I promise it is time well spent and you just may turn things around quicker than you thought possible.