
VIRTUAL & IN-PERSON | 97 Atlanta Street Mcdonough Ga, 30253 | 8817 Redwood Road, West Jordan, Utah 84008

Who Am I?

Who am I? Codependency is the tendency to put others needs before your own. Do you find yourself accommodating others to such a degree that you tend to discount or ignore your own feelings, desires and basic needs? Does your self-esteem depend largely on how well you...

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Effective Communication

  Effective communication is essential for building a strong and lasting relationship, particularly in romantic partnerships that are closely intertwined. Understanding each other's communication styles and practicing assertive, respectful, and compassionate...

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Emotional & Sexual Infidelity

Infidelity shakes the very core of trust in a relationship, creating a ripple effect of uncertainty and heartbreak. An affair can range from an emotional connection to a physical relationship.An emotional affair begins when a deep emotional bond with someone outside...

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What is an Emotional Affair?

   How does an emotional affair begin? For Jenna, it all started when she finally created an Instagram account. Jenna's friends had been asking her to set up an account for years, however, she was intimidated by large numbers of  followers her friends had and felt she...

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What is Play Therapy

What is Play Therapy   IS YOUR CHILD STRUGGLING? ARE THEY ACTING OUT IN WAYS YOU HAVEN'T SEEN BEFORE? ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT THEIR BEHAVIOR AT HOME, AT SCHOOL, OR WITH THEIR FRIENDS?    Play Therapy is  described as "a dynamic interpersonal relationship between...

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The Pain of Betrayal

Navigating the Pain of Infidelity Betrayal runs deep with infidelity, tearing at the very foundation of a relationship. At Rekindled Hope Counseling Services, we acknowledge the emotional upheaval, lasting psychological impact, and widespread relational effects it...

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Children & Divorce

Child Therapy is Crucial in Divorce Experiencing a divorce can be incredibly challenging for children, igniting fears and triggering heightened anxiety as the family dynamic undergoes a significant shift. Adapting to new living arrangements or schools amidst their...

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A Pleasing Cup of Coffee

A Pleasing Cup of Coffee I spend an unhealthy amount of time drinking coffee and waxing philosophical with various friends at numerous coffee shops during a week.  Just yesterday I spent time with a new person, and we talked about all the pleasant things like jobs and...

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Who Am I?

Who am I? Codependency is the tendency to put others needs before your own. Do you find yourself accommodating others to such a degree that you tend to discount or ignore your own feelings, desires and basic needs? Does your self-esteem depend largely on how well you...

Effective Communication

  Effective communication is essential for building a strong and lasting relationship, particularly in romantic partnerships that are closely intertwined. Understanding each other's communication styles and practicing assertive, respectful, and compassionate...

Emotional & Sexual Infidelity

Infidelity shakes the very core of trust in a relationship, creating a ripple effect of uncertainty and heartbreak. An affair can range from an emotional connection to a physical relationship.An emotional affair begins when a deep emotional bond with someone outside...

What is an Emotional Affair?

   How does an emotional affair begin? For Jenna, it all started when she finally created an Instagram account. Jenna's friends had been asking her to set up an account for years, however, she was intimidated by large numbers of  followers her friends had and felt she...

What is Play Therapy

What is Play Therapy   IS YOUR CHILD STRUGGLING? ARE THEY ACTING OUT IN WAYS YOU HAVEN'T SEEN BEFORE? ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT THEIR BEHAVIOR AT HOME, AT SCHOOL, OR WITH THEIR FRIENDS?    Play Therapy is  described as "a dynamic interpersonal relationship between...

The Pain of Betrayal

Navigating the Pain of Infidelity Betrayal runs deep with infidelity, tearing at the very foundation of a relationship. At Rekindled Hope Counseling Services, we acknowledge the emotional upheaval, lasting psychological impact, and widespread relational effects it...

Children & Divorce

Child Therapy is Crucial in Divorce Experiencing a divorce can be incredibly challenging for children, igniting fears and triggering heightened anxiety as the family dynamic undergoes a significant shift. Adapting to new living arrangements or schools amidst their...

A Caffeinated Inquiry of Sorts

Something strange happens when your people find out that you wrote a blog post.  They read it when you aren’t looking and then come back with questions.  My kids have never been shy about asking questions or for a farther explanation when they have a hard time...

A Pleasing Cup of Coffee

A Pleasing Cup of Coffee I spend an unhealthy amount of time drinking coffee and waxing philosophical with various friends at numerous coffee shops during a week.  Just yesterday I spent time with a new person, and we talked about all the pleasant things like jobs and...

The Blog

Rejection and Ego

Rejection fuels the distorted belief that others aren’t interested in us. This leads to feeling we aren’t good enough. Often, when we face rejection, we assume that others are not interested in us. If we miss out on a job opportunity, we may believe it’s because employers see us as an ‘unqualified imposter.’ These interpretations build into a narrative. This narrative becomes a distorted belief of who we think we are.

Our ego, is shaped by our lived experiences.

Our ego filters information that aligns with our conditioned beliefs. The mind believes we are unworthy, and our ego colors our experiences with that belief. When we embark on a new relationship our minds may race with anxious thoughts like “I must have said something wrong? Maybe I unintentionally offend them? Did I dominate the conversation?” This can lead to anxiety if we don’t hear back from the person. Anxiety fuels fear of rejection.

Distorted Beliefs

These assumptions are our mind’s coping mechanisms to navigate uncertainty. Uncertainty feels unsafe. To feel secure, our conditioned mind clings to familiar beliefs. Beliefs such as ‘I am unworthy of my parents’ time or attention.’ Why does our ego create and maintain a hurtful story? The answer lies in our innate desire for certainty. We rarely respond with ‘I don’t know’ to questions we’re unsure about. Instead, we reason our way to an answer. Our ego seeks to confirm and reinforce the stories we’ve internalized since childhood. The beliefs residing in our subconscious mind greatly influence our physical experiences.

Focusing on the emotional pain of rejection triggers a threat in our nervous system. The nervous system reacts to perceived threats with a racing heart or muscle tension. The longer our nervous system stays dysregulated, the more our mind and body respond to each other, leading to overwhelming emotional and physical discomfort. Our emotions lead us to believe we have been rejected. Sometimes we are correct, but not always!

Our Ego and Rejection

Rejection fuels the distorted belief that others aren’t interested in us. This leads to feeling we aren’t good enough. Often, when we face rejection, we assume that others are not interested in us. If we miss out on a job opportunity, we may believe it’s because employers see us as an ‘unqualified imposter.’ These interpretations build into a narrative. This narrative becomes a distorted belief of who we think we are.

Our ego, is shaped by our lived experiences.

Our ego filters information that aligns with our conditioned beliefs. The mind believes we are unworthy, and our ego colors our experiences with that belief. When we embark on a new relationship our minds may race with anxious thoughts like “I must have said something wrong? Maybe I unintentionally offend them? Did I dominate the conversation?” This can lead to anxiety if we don’t hear back from the person. Anxiety fuels fear of rejection.

Distorted Beliefs

These assumptions are our mind’s coping mechanisms to navigate uncertainty. Uncertainty feels unsafe. To feel secure, our conditioned mind clings to familiar beliefs. Beliefs such as ‘I am unworthy of my parents’ time or attention.’ Why does our ego create and maintain a hurtful story? The answer lies in our innate desire for certainty. We rarely respond with ‘I don’t know’ to questions we’re unsure about. Instead, we reason our way to an answer. Our ego seeks to confirm and reinforce the stories we’ve internalized since childhood. The beliefs residing in our subconscious mind greatly influence our physical experiences.

Focusing on the emotional pain of rejection triggers a threat in our nervous system. The nervous system reacts to perceived threats with a racing heart or muscle tension. The longer our nervous system stays dysregulated, the more our mind and body respond to each other, leading to overwhelming emotional and physical discomfort. Our emotions lead us to believe we have been rejected. Sometimes we are correct, but not always!
